21 Tips to Avoid Common pitfalls While Programming Smart Home Automations

Portrait of Rod Alcidonis

Rod Alcidonis

Published on January 5, 2023

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Creating smart home automations can be challenging; however, with the right approach, you can avoid common pitfalls and make the process easier. In this article, we will explore 21 tips to help you avoid common pitfalls on your journey to creating smarter home automations. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, and as you gain more experience, you will develop your own methods for programming your automations.

1. Breakdown Your Requirements into Individual Parts

When creating complex smart home automations, it is often necessary to program multiple parts or branches to achieve the desired outcome. One effective strategy is to break down your requirements into individual parts and then program each part separately. This approach is beneficial for several reasons.
First, you will be able to observe how each part of the automation operates in real-time before being combined into a single automation. This will allow you to account for conditional statements relevant to each part or method, independent of the final automation. Additionally, you will be able to better troubleshoot errors later as you will be following Object Oriented Programming principles to develop your code. Furthermore, this approach will force you to focus on a specific piece of code at a time, preventing you from omitting important conditional statements for an automation that has multiple logical branches.

For example, let’s say you want to turn a light on in a room when motion is detected and turn it off when the motion stops. Instead of programming the entire automation from beginning to end, you can break it down into two parts: detecting motion and controlling the light. By programming these two parts separately, you can test each one independently and ensure they are working as expected before combining them into a single automation.

2. Start with simple automations

When first starting out with programming home automation, it’s important to start with simple automations to get a feel for the process. As you become more familiar with the process, you will be able to gradually increase the complexity of your automations.

3. Program A Library of Common Automations for Repetitive Use

As you program more and more automations for your home, you will likely find that you need to use codes that you have already developed in previous automations. To make your life easier, it is best to repurpose codes that you have already developed to power other automations. Consider these automations as “utility rules” that you can use across the board to speed up your programming time. For example, if you frequently need to make TTS announcements in your automations, you can create a TTS app that you can use anytime you need to generate announcements. This way you can simply incorporate it into your code as needed, saving you time and reducing the need to repeat the same code.

4. Understand Other People’s Codes Before Using Them in Your Smart Home

The best practice is to use other people’s code only as inspiration to develop your own smart home automations. It can be difficult to understand the exact conditions under which the original code was created after the fact because the environments are different. Unless you fully understand the thought process behind the code, you may not be able to successfully troubleshoot problems when they come up during your implementation. This can lead to frustration, so it is important to fully understand the codes before using them.

5. Learn to Take a Break

Breaks are important. If you run into issues that appear to be unsolvable while coding or debugging, take a break to clear your mind. You will have greater clarity and a fresh perspective when you return to the task at hand.

6. Appreciate your Current Progress

Be satisfied with the functionality you are able to configure for a given automation. While it is a good practice to always commit to solving the problem in its entirety, do not waste your time chasing a complex automation when all you are able to configure at the moment is a simple one. As you gain more experience with creating automations, you will have opportunities to go back and add more complexity to existing automations.

6. Keep your code organized and commented

When programming complex home automations, it can be easy to end up with a lot of code that is difficult to read and understand. To keep your code organized and easy to read, you should use meaningful names for variable and methods, and to use comments to explain what the code is doing. This way, your automations will be much easier to maintain in the long run.

7. Make use of debugging tools

Debugging can be a time-consuming task, but with the right tools, it can be made much easier. Make use of debugging tools such as the log file to help you quickly identify and fix errors in your code.

8. Try to create automations that can be layered together to Create More Complex Automations

Stay away from creating scattered rules that will never interact in your smart home. You should focus on automations that you can chain together to create more complex automations. The process will take time but it will be worth it at the end.

9. Leverage Environmental Conditions to Make Your Automations Smarter

You have a lot of tools at your disposal when creating smart home automations. In addition to sensor-provided information in your home, there are ways to leverage environmental conditions to provide additional context to develop your logic or algorithm. You can based conditions on whether it is sunny, raining, cloudy, dark outside? The outdoor temperature. Outdoor humidity.

10. Consider Using Multiple Motion Sensors to Provide Redundancy

Your smart home has to be reliable. Consider placing multiple motion sensors in sensitive spots to provide redundancy and reduce the rate of false positives or false alarms. It would be a flawed system if a fly can activate a motion sensor and caused a false intrusion alert to be generated while you are on vacation or far away from home. You can avoid this problem by requiring more than one sensor to become active in the chain simultaneously before the system is allowed to trigger a critical alert.

11. Test Your Automations Under Realistic conditions Before Deploying them

Your automations will not always be perfect and free of bugs. While members of your household can be the source of great feedback to help you improve your code, do not only rely on what others report to you as final. Personally test your code under real conditions before final deployment. Testing will help you discover errors or bugs in the code before they frustrate other people living in your household.

12. Develop Automations Specifically for Your Home

Be careful with using automations that have been shared with you. Your automations have to adapt to the behaviors of the people who actually live in your home. No matter how impressive an automation is, unless it responds to the daily routine of everyone living in your home, it may not worth implementing as it will likely cause frustration.

13. Program automation for specific needs

Do not randomly buy smart home devices to mimic another person’s setup based on recommendations received. This would be a recipe for disaster and at the expense of your bank account. You should purchase devices Only when there is a specific need to automate something in your home. This will make your automations more modular, less costly, and easier to work with.

14. Know What You are Buying

Be intentional with your purchases to maximize value overtime. For example, it would not be helpful to buy 3 Bluetooth, 2 WIFI, and 4 ZigBee, and 5 Z-wave devices when they all could have been purchased as one communication protocol to maximize value and reduce cost. Even when buying devices that run on the same protocol, you can avoid compatibility issues by just buying the same brand. This is why you have to be intentional and not just buy random smart home devices overtime.

15. Ask Members of Your Household for Timely Feedback After Deploying an Automation

While you personally may be convinced that you have designed the most sophisticated automation; however, the automation, or parts of it, may not be compatible with the expectation of the rest of your household. Great feedback will enable you to carve out exceptions in your code to accommodate individualized situations. Remember that as a principal, a smart home has to be built around the people who live in the home.

16. Understand the hardware and software of your smart home

To program complex home automations, it is important to have a good understanding of the hardware and software that make up your smart home. Be familiar with the different devices and protocols you are using, as well as the capabilities and limitations of the software you are using to program your automations. This knowledge will allow you to make the most of the resources available to you and create automations that are both effective and efficient.

17. Use a standard naming convention for your automations

When naming your automations, it is important to use a consistent and standard naming convention. This will make it easy to understand and keep track of your automations, especially as the number of automations grows in your smart home setup.

18. Be careful with security

Home automation systems often store sensitive information, therefore, it is important to take the necessary precautions to secure your system. This means limiting access to the systems and devices in your home, as well as securing the connection between your devices and the software that controls them. A good starting point would be to create strong passwords for your systems.

19. Stay up-to-date with new technologies

Home automation technologies are constantly evolving, and new devices and protocols are being developed all the time. To stay ahead of the curve and make the most of your smart home, it is important to stay informed about the latest developments in the field and learn about new tools and technologies as they become available. There are lots of YouTube videos on the topic to keep you informed.

20. Remember the Maxum No One Knows Everything

If after buying a number of devices, downloading integrations, and spending days programming and debugging you just cannot seem to get there (especially for new users),It maybe that you simply do not have the right knowledge at this time to solve a problem on your own. This is an opportunity to engage in additional learning or seek assistance from other more experience programmers. There are many resources available online such as forums and documentation where you can ask questions and get help from experienced users. Collaborating with other developers or experts in the field can also be a great way to learn new techniques and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

21. Be imaginative and have fun

This tip is as important as all the rest. If you cannot get to enjoying the process and have fun along the way, than a DIY home automation is not for you.


The above 21 tips should equip you with the right information to help you overcome most challenges presented by the process of creating smart home automations and avoid common pitfalls along the way. Remember, at the end of the day, do not hesitate to use your imagination to come up with the right environment for you to create your automations. Be creative, be imaginative, be patient, and have fun.

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