10 Powerful Ways to Use a Smart Lock and Never Worry About Forgetting to Lock Your Door Again

Portrait of Rod Alcidonis

Rod Alcidonis

Published on January 25, 2023

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A hand entering password code on a smart digital touch screen keypad to lock and unlock a door.

Smart locks have secured their place in the smart home as one of the most popular smart devices to improve security and convenience. This is for good reason, as they offer a variety of convenient and secure features that eliminate the worry of forgetting to lock your door. In this article, we’ll explore 10 powerful ways to use a smart lock and never worry about forgetting to lock your door again.

1. Automatic Locking and Unlocking

One of the most convenient features of a smart lock is the ability to automatically lock and unlock the door based on your location or schedule. For example, if you use a smart home automation system like Home Assistant, SmartThings, or HomeKit, you can program your smart lock to automatically lock when you leave your home and unlock when you return. This automation can be based on a schedule or on your phone’s location-sharing feature. This feature minimizes the need to manually lock and unlock your door, and with relative certainty that your home is always secure.

2. Voice Control

Another powerful feature of a smart lock is the ability to control it with a virtual assistant, such as Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. With a smart virtual assistant, you can use voice commands like “lock the door” or “unlock the door” to control your smart lock. This feature can become particularly handy when your hands are occupied and you need to quickly let in a trusted guest.

3. Remote Access

A third powerful way to use a smart lock in your smart home is by using its remote access functionality to lock and unlock the door with an accompanying mobile app. This functionality provides a way to control your smart lock from anywhere and at any time. For instance, if you’re on vacation and you realize you forgot to lock your door, you can simply pull out your smartphone and lock the door without any hesitation. Additionally, you can use this feature to grant access to your home for friends, family, or approved service providers when you’re not there.

4. Keyless Entry

The keyless entry feature provides another powerful way to use a smart lock in your smart home. Instead of using a physical key, you can enter a code to unlock your door. This feature essentially eliminates the need to carry around a physical key, which can be lost or stolen. It also provides the ability for you to easily change the code when needed, such as when a guest or service provider no longer needs access to your home.

5. Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication also provides another powerful way to use a smart lock. You can use this functionality to unlock the door using your fingerprint, facial recognition, or voice recognition. However, unlike the previous keyless functionality that requires you to use a keypad to enter a code, this feature completely eliminates this requirement or the need to use a physical key to unlock your door.

6. Guest Access

The guest access feature is another powerful way to use a smart lock to grant access to trusted parties. You can use this feature to generate temporary access codes for guests or approved service providers. For instance, if you’re having a party and you want to give your guests access to your home, you can simply create a temporary code for them. You then can easily revoke access when needed. You no longer have to have everyone carrying a key to enter your home.

7. Alerts

The alerts feature offers another powerful way to use a smart lock in your smart home. You can program an automation to notify you when the door is locked or unlocked. With this feature, you can know exactly who enters and leaves your home and when.

8. Audit Trail

Some smart locks have an audit trail feature that provides another powerful way to use the device in your smart home. If you have the need to know, you can easily keep a record of who has entered and left your home, and at what time. This feature can be beneficial for managing guest access, as it allows you to restrict their entry to specific times.

9. Integration with Other Smart Devices

The ability to integrate your smart lock with other smart devices is another powerful way to use a smart lock in your smart home. If you are using a smart home automation system such as Home Assistant, SmartThings, or HomeKit, you can leverage this functionality to connect your smart lock with existing devices in your home, such as lights or thermostats, to create a seamless smart home experience. For example, you can set your lights to automatically turn on and off when you lock and unlock your door, or you can set your thermostat to adjust to your preferences when you arrive home.

10. Contact Sensor Integration

And finally, the ability to associate a contact sensor with a smart lock is another powerful way to use the device lock in your smart home. This capability allows you to link your smart lock with a contact sensor, and monitor the state of a door from anywhere and receive timely notifications on whether it is open or closed.

Final Thought

All in all, a smart lock is a powerful addition to any smart home. It can provide added peace of mind knowing that your home is always secure. Furthermore, the device offers a variety of convenient and secure functionalities that makes it easy to never worry about forgetting to lock your door again. Features such as automatic locking and unlocking, voice control, remote access, keyless entry, biometric authentication, guest access, alerts, audit trail, integration with other smart devices, and door sensor provide great value for using a smart lock. With these features, you can easily control access to your home, monitor who is entering and leaving, and receive notifications if something is amiss. Moreover, the ability to integrate with other smart devices in your home allows for even more seamless control and automation. Without any doubt, a smart lock would be a great investment to improve your home security and convenience.

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